Saturday, June 29, 2013

The anatomy of placing a traction pin in the Pediatric ED.

So every now and then there's adult patients that need to go to the pediatric ED for trauma triage and whatnot. They occasionally need traction pins placed...

The first step is informing the nurses that a traction pin needs to be placed...

To which the usual response is: 'You're going to sedate for that, right?'

This is usually followed with a general sense of nursing panic...

I try and start with...

And after an indeterminable amount of arguing...

I finally relent and agree to sedate the patient, which leads to...

And what normally takes 15 minutes and a vial of lidocaine in the ED has not become a hour long ordeal involving multiple health care teams, hundreds of unnecessary health care dollars spent.  Which is why when it comes to traction pins in the Peds ED...

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