Monday, December 16, 2013

What it felt like leaving for hand conference at 0615 after the attendings would start reaming people at sign out...

I messed up just blatantly in front of my attending.  For the rest of the week...

One of my juniors put a splint on a fracture... except it was on the wrong arm...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What I felt like when the 2nd year was getting reamed, and I walked up early and had them sit down for grand rounds...

Attending: 'So what, the other guys go to the gym, and you just photoshop stuff?'

Saturday, October 12, 2013

So we went to a conference this weekend.

It was at a SUPER nice place, which lead to this feeling the whole weekend...

They had a dinner for the attendings where they were serving bottomless filet mignon. I felt like this afterwards...

We went to dinner one night with an attending.  I asked them what fellowship I should do.
Response: 'You're a little weird, so maybe trauma? On second thought, you might be too weird for trauma.'

When one of the attendings in the lab kept. on. grabbing. the. tools...

We were discussing pelvic ex-fixes, and one of the lab instructors was discussing the AIIS pin and kept on using the phrase: 'depth of penetration'...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

We got a call from a transfer center for a TKA that was 'infected, fractured and dislocated'....

When I have to do a reduction on a peds patient and don't want to use sedation...

What happens while trying to explode the above mentioned 'charm bomb'...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nurse: 'Hey, so that patient that's been here forever left for like 3 hours. I discharged him myself, there's already another patient in his room.'

Friday, September 13, 2013

What it feels like sitting next to the second years when one of their colleagues gets asked an impossible question during indications....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I turned on my pandora station in the OR which happened to be a deadmau5 station. The scrub tech asked if that meant i was into Ke$ha music...

We were doing a bilateral procedure, and on the other side of the table I hear:

'Did you put it in the hole?'
'I think so, I think its in.'
'I don't know, it doesn't look in yet, try again.'
'Yeah, maybe i just have to push it harder.'
'Oh, there, its in. That's nice.'

So orthopedic surgeries are quite physically intensive procedures.  On top of that, you're wearing lead, and have a waterproof gown on.  Your scrubs tend to get quite sweaty.

I told a mom that her daughter's tibial rodding went well and before i could stop her, she swooped in for a hug. This is how i pictured that going for her...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My experience yesterday while being pimped regarding pediatric ortho issues...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pretty much universally anytime an attending asks if you're tired....

Friday, September 6, 2013

So we had a patient the other day that we were doing a low lumbar decompression which the patient was prone for. At the end of the case while i was closing the incision, the patient let out a GIANT 20 second long flatus, pretty much right in my face...

I dropped a $1000+ thing of bone graft on the floor yesterday...

My attending: 'You know, that was a great k-wire.  I can't say 'perfect' because you're a third year, but...that was spot on.'

How i looked with my mask on:

How I would have looked without a mask on:

PA: 'Hey, we got a consult just for forearm pain.  X-rays are normal, but the resident is concerned about flexor tenosynovitis....of the muscle belly.'

Thursday, September 5, 2013

When in the middle of the surgical dissection, my attending asks how i'm doing ...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Me (on call all weekend): 'So how'd you do this?'
Pt: 'Oh, there's motorcycle racing like 3 miles away all weekend.'

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today I had a breakfast burrito and a doughnut for breakfast, a chicken and bacon sandwich with fries and a cookie for lunch, and then had a giant coffee to wash it down.  Suddenly at 1432...

Me: 'Hey, so if I understand this right, the patient was struck by a car, then run over twice, and you didn't admit them why?'
ACS Senior: 'I just didn't think it was a high energy mechanism.'

My senior was operating on an achilles today.  I saw a tendon near the achilles laterally and asked if that was fibularis tertius...

ED resident: 'So I think we're good, I don't think you need any more xrays.'

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We had a ...rather large... patient we were trying to put an SI screw in.  I felt like her backside was doing this to me the whole time...

After trying to please the ED nurses at county my whole rotation, my final thoughts...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Attending: 'See if you can reduce that distal radius, but I doubt you'll be able to, it's pretty shortened.'

(I reduced it)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

During conference yesterday, I got pimped three questions in a row....handled it like a boss...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Me going to see consults in the ED at county usually starts like...

ED attending: 'Hey, we have a consult for you, its a lady with a finger lac.'
Me: 'Do you have films?'
ED attending: 'no'
Me: 'Do you have a name?'
ED attending: 'no'
Me: 'Medical record number?'
ED attending: 'I don't have it with me.'
Me: 'What was the mechanism?'
ED attending: 'I'm not sure.'
Me: 'Where's the lac?'
ED attending: 'Near the joint, the middle one.'
Me: 'Is she neurovascularly intact?'
ED attending: 'I don't know, I don't carry around their h&p.'
Me: ....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Medical Student: 'Hey, so this post op patient has a little stitch abscess, you want me to go ahead and take out that suture?'

Call from the trauma team medical student: 'Hey, there's a car crash that's going to be here in like 10 minutes.  Not sure if any injuries yet, but can you go ahead and come down to the ED?'

Attending: 'Hitting the chicken strips kinda hard lately, aren't we?'

Monday, August 5, 2013

When, after 3 minutes, the med student finishes the first suture throw...

Attending: 'Have you done an ex-fix on a femur before?'
Me: 'Nope.'
Attending: 'Okay, well I have to go round, so...'

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Trying to do homework on pediatric limb deformity.  This continues to be my experience...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

This is kind of my thought as a third year on operative abscess i/d's...

We just finished a lecture set on pediatric deformity correction...

So I asked a patient if they had had any other abscesses before.  'Yeah, on my taint. I couldn't see it, so my girl popped it for me...'

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I had a hip abscess the other day, it was quite large...

I forgot to sort the list the other day. My seniors response...

I asked some of the clinic staff if I could borrow some supplies for a floor patient...

We get a cafeteria allowance at county that resets at the beginning of the month.  I have quite a bit next meals will go like this...